Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Oh boys!

At the request of the few viewers I have.... Here are some videos of the boys


  1. Thanks for the videos!!! They are great!!! So cute! We really miss them. . . and you too!

  2. Your boys definitely brought a smile to my face! Thanks for sharing the update, Momo's Mama :p

  3. That sprinkler one kind of reminds me of some one. Hmmm. Oh wait, it's me. He takes after his Uncle Sam and he didn't even know it. :)

  4. These videos made my day! Your boys are adorable! You and Paul are so blessed! Sometimes I think having two close together (and mine aren't even twins) is hard, but now that they are older, it's so much fun. Seeing them laugh and play and interact is so wonderful!

  5. Double the giggles, double the fun!!! They are so fun. Did they decide they needed juice and bananas after your little word quiz?

    P.S. I think I recognize a couple of those shirts. ;)

  6. they are so funny!!! i can't believe how big they are getting. i miss seeing them and you guys too.

  7. Ella and Riv LOVED the videos and kept laughing whenever the boys laughed. Thanks for the entertainment!
